Sharing the value: working towards gender equality in coffee farming.

Why an UTZ Certified program for coffee?

Good coffee no longer just means good taste, quality and price. There is also a growing interest in the conditions in which the coffee was produced. Today’s consumers demand that it is made responsibly, with care for people and the environment. This means, for example, appropriate and modest use of fertilizers, pesticides, water and energy. Children of coffee farmers sent to school rather than put to work. Farm workers given decent labour rights, housing and healthcare. And farmers empowered to act as professionals and become better businessmen. All this, as well as the same good taste, quality and price consumers are used to.

Together with key players in the industry, including farmers, roasters and retailers, UTZ Certified is committed to making a difference in the coffee sector. The goal of the program is to create a sustainable, viable coffee market. How? Through an efficient certification and traceability program for socially and environmentally responsible coffee production that meets the needs of both producers and markets.

Transparent and Responsible

The UTZ Certified program provides the assurance of responsible coffee production and sourcing that modern consumers expect. It answers two crucial questions: where does the coffee come from and how was it produced? UTZ Certified coffee is traceable from producer to roaster to consumer. This guarantees that the products you buy have actually been grown and harvested in a responsible manner.


The UTZ Certified Coffee Program is growing rapidly as more and more coffee farmers see the benefits and decide to join. An increasing number of coffee brands from different regions are committing to buy UTZ Certified coffee. UTZ Certified is dedicated continuing this trend by engaging producers and stimulating brands to expand their sustainable coffee sourcing.

Choose UTZ Certified products

What can you do to contribute? Look for the UTZ Certified label when choosing your coffee and demand that it is produced in a sustainable way. Because this is how we – together with you – can make a difference!